Carolina Way Camp
Four Great Days Before Four GREAT Years
Carolina Way Camp - Register now
Registration for CWC 2020 is still open, and we are hopeful to proceed as planned. However, UNC has not made any final decisions as to whether classes will be in-person or online, or whether the semester will be delayed.
We are not sure the exact format for camp yet. State and university leaders are regularly issuing new guidelines. As the date of camp approaches, we will make decisions based on the available options. Therefore, we’ve decided to hold off the asking campers to pay for camp until we get closer to August and set our registration fees.
Thank you for your patience as we try to monitor this unprecedented situation. Know that we are praying for you and your family during this difficult time. We’re excited to welcome you into the Christian community at UNC and we can’t wait to be with you in person soon!
Early August 2020
UNC-Chapel Hill x Camp Rockbridge
Day 1: Move In & Head Out
On the first morning, you will move into your dorm room. Students and families are then invited to join us for lunch at the North Carolina Study Center (203 Battle Lane).
After saying goodbye, we’ll hit the road for Camp Rockbridge in Goshen, VA!
DAYS 2-3: Full Days at Camp
Incoming students will be joined at camp by upperclass student counselors and by several campus ministers. Days will be filled with building friendships through activities like swimming, field games, rock-climbing, and an all-camp dance competition. We’ll also have seminars and break out discussions about how to live out your faith while at UNC and grow with others in Christian community.
DAY 4: Return to UNC
On our last morning, we will return to Chapel Hill to join hundreds of other students for a move-in day lunch at the Study Center!